​​Call us today at 403 472-1477 or visit our location 

DCP firmly believes that:

  • Children are unique and learn according to their individual interest, capabilities and at their own pace.
  • Self-directed play is valuable and an integral part in every aspect of a child’s development.
  • Children learn through observation, imitation and exploration (Through their senses).
  • Learning a second language in early stages enhances learning in all areas.

Our philosophy is based on the balance of three essential aspects: structured learning activities, play based activities, and the learning of a second language (Spanish). This combination will provide the cognitive, social, physical, and emotional growth in all children.Our curriculum is designed under our own methodology (Integrating ideas from Montessori, Reggio, and High Scope) and with specific objectives for each age level and child. Teacher-guided activities and the child-directed exploration will be integrated in the daily activities.

Our philosophy